Data Driven Marketing


Context helps organizations use data driven marketing to improve decision making and move people to action

Context helps organizations make sense of their data by connecting data sources from across the organization into dashboards that provide key decision makers with the information they need to make informed decisions.

In today’s world, organizations that collect, analyze, and use data to inform decision making are more likely to be successful than organizations that fly by the seat of their pants. This is particularly true when it comes to marketing and communications.

Using data effectively is the only way for organizations to ensure they’re reaching the people they need to be successful.

Context focuses on helping organizations identify, connect, and organize their data to inform their decision making process. We can bring together data from internal and external sources, including Google Analytics, Facebook, fundraising software, program data, and census data.


To make data usable Context sets up dashboards that allow decision makers to see relevant data in one place.

An advantage of using dashboards is that data from different sources can be shown together and combined in ways that help organizations understand what’s happening internally and how outside forces are impacting them.

At Context, we work with organizations to make sure they collect data the right way and that the data being collected provides meaningful information. Dashboards also create an additional layer of privacy that helps eliminate the risk of sharing personal information.

Data visualization and dashboard projects can be integrated into other projects or completed as stand-alone projects.

How Context helps organizations make sense of their data

To help organizations make sense of their data and use it to guide decision making, Context uses a four-step process.


The first step includes setting up and connecting data from Google Analytics, social media, online advertising, fundraising, email, sales tools, and other sources.


Once an organization’s data sources have been linked, we help them organize the data and set up systems that make it easy to keep everything up-to-date. This helps keep the data safe, ensures it’s integrity, and makes it useful.


To help organizations make sense of their data Context creates interactive dashboards that provide decision makers with a simple way to see what’s happening within the organization. Dashboards can also include external data that lets an organization compare its performance to its field and outside factors.

Dashboards are entirely customizable, allowing Context to build them based on each organization’s goals and strategies with whatever data is available.

Dashboards can be built to include data at the organizational or program level. They can be particularly helpful at the program level, providing managers with the insights they need to develop their programs.


At Context, we love using data to help organizations succeed. We excel at cutting through the clutter to help organizations understand their data, the trends driving it, and developing strategies that let organizations get in front of the data to take control of their future.

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